Category: Uncategorized

  • Wishing you a Magical 2024

    2024 could be a year of Magic en enchantment. A Wonderfull year. What wonders would you wish for?Would it be a wonder for you, for your familie or for an other being or group? Would it be a wonder in the direction ofYour own wisdom, or gaining it from somewhere else?Or would it be something…

  • Protected: zoek hier

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • What is a Wick?

    wick  noun /wɪk/ /wɪk/ (Source: Oxford learners dictionaries)

  • Grace

    What is grace, a question that I asked myself this morning. The answer that resonates with me is the one I found in I ching chapter 22: Inside, the strength ofsimplicity and self-knowledge.Outside, the beauty ofacceptance and gentleness.(source) The energy of the mother’s womb also came to me. In Dutch, the word “geborgenheid” is related…

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