Category: Cards

  • HomE!

    Being at home can be, that you are in a place where you relax completely. Where you are allowed to relax. Where no one rushes you. Find this home in the here and now.

  • From deep WITHin: IGKNIGHT

    Go inside, deep inside. Much deeper still. There is a wick there. Ignite the wick. The fire that now ignites will give you the armour and grace of a Knight Templar.

  • Put some seeds in the ground

    Sometimes it is time for new things to grow. Start a project, be creative, don’t change something but start something new. Find some good soil, and put in your best seeds. Add a little water and let nature do its work. Let the plant grow. Give it confidence. Be there… Foto: Ilana Sofia Nieuwland

  • Adored

    In everyone a female energy can be born and flow through the spine from the talebone until the top of the head and further. Let this venus be born in you. Let this white current run through you. It’s pure, it’s safe, it’s beautiful.

  • Create Boldly

    Focused creation in its best form requires setting aside all your fears.

  • Be a Grail, Receive

    Be a beaker, a grail, make space in yourself to receive. In that way you can be given what comes to you. What suits you. What gravitates towards you. Learn to receive, learn to receive grace. Be Grace.


    You can be a healing energy. You can create a space around you that transforms everything. A walking light. A sun for YOU and others. Step into this world. BE!

  • Love DeFines YOU

    In a world that is created to gain Wisdom for all, Love is the working language. It defines what and how it is made. The more Love you create with, the better your world and the Better our world becomes. Thank you for creating with Love.

  • Love

    Love is such a powerful force. It cuts through the whole world. By day and by night, the sun always shines. Be a sun worshipper. Live with this Light. Act from this Light. Be this Light.

  • I may ask for thankFULLNESS

    I am allowed to ask for thankfullness. I am allowed to receive value.

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